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Trusted Pet Surgery in Sumter

Advanced Veterinary Hospital is committed to providing quality care to your furry loved ones in their time of need. Our practice offers surgical services to help promote your pet’s well-being and enhance their quality of life. With an experienced veterinary team, we employ modern surgical practices in providing various options for surgery to suit your pet’s needs. Our team works with every family that comes in and gives detailed pre-surgery and post-surgery instructions to help your pet be comfortable before, during, and after their procedure.

Whether your pet has swallowed a foreign object or has a rotten tooth, we can help you get the appropriate care. Our veterinary surgery in Sumter helps your furry loved one tackle difficult health challenges or prevent health complications in the future. We are available to answer any questions you may have about our practice or surgical services. Call our veterinary office to schedule your pet surgery consultation today.

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Helping Your Pet Feel More Comfortable

Our staff at Advanced Veterinary Hospital wants to make your pet’s surgery as comfortable as possible. We work hard to promote a relaxing environment that is both warm and welcoming for your pet and puts them at ease while in our care. We handle your pet gently by using soothing tones and work to gain their trust through this process. As the procedure begins, we administer anesthesia to your pet while speaking calmly to them to help them feel at ease once the procedure is underway.

Our Extensive Surgical Services

Our veterinary team offers various surgical procedures to treat health issues, complications, and abnormalities, both internally and externally. We provide comprehensive pre-surgery preparations and offer aftercare instructions once your pet’s procedure is completed. Some of our surgical offerings include:

Spay and Neuter: This procedure can be done on either male or female dogs and cats. Our pet spay and neuter services help control pet populations and prevent your pet from developing testicular or ovarian cancers and other reproductive issues.
Cancer Surgery: Our team can potentially excise cancerous tumors to help preserve their life and promote cancer remission.
Internal Blockages or Foreign Body Removals: Sometimes, our pets develop a gastrointestinal blockage or ingest things they aren’t supposed to. We can go in and remove the blockage or foreign body to save your pet’s life.
Mass Removal: Our veterinarian can assess any masses that appear on your pet’s body, and surgically remove those hindrances to their quality of life.
Dental Extractions: Oral hygiene is also important to our pets, so if there are any broken or decayed teeth, our vet can extract them while under sedation and help reclaim their dental health.

3 Things to Consider Before Your Pet's Surgery

Before your pet’s surgery, our staff will go over the outline for pre-surgery instructions. We suggest preparing a safe healing space for your pet. This accommodation can help make a difference in the speed of their recovery. Things we will help you plan out for your scheduled veterinary surgery are:

Pet Surgery FAQs

We understand that having veterinary surgery can leave you and your pet feeling anxious. Our team is available to answer any questions you may have about our practice and surgical services. Some questions that have been asked include:

Why does my pet need pre-anesthesia blood testing?

Pre-anesthetic blood testing allows our team to assess whether your pet’s internal organs will function properly during anesthesia and surgery. This testing helps evaluate their liver and kidney function, protein levels, white blood cell count, and other important factors.

What can I feed my pet after their surgery?

Your pet will be tired after having surgery performed on them. Wait until your pet can hold their head up on their own and offer water and a light meal. Half portions are best to begin with, and you can gradually build up to your pet’s regular food within 24 hours unless the vet advises otherwise.

Will my pet receive pain management after their surgery?

Surgical recovery can take time. We will supply your pet with pain medication as needed which helps keep them comfortable while they get back to feeling like themselves.

Reliable Sumter Veterinary Surgery

When your pet needs additional internal care, surgery may be the recommendation. Our pet surgeries in Sumter are a way to help enhance your pet’s quality of life while addressing any health complications. Our veterinary team at Advanced Veterinary Hospital is experienced in walking families through the entire surgery process and helping your pet be comfortable during and after their procedure. We are highly skilled and can help facilitate comprehensive treatment while providing guidance to help ease healing after their surgery. Schedule a consultation with our team and discuss your options for veterinary surgery in Sumter.

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